Goodna Services

The Goodna Clinic is changing the way we provide care to our community to allow for better access; one way in which we are doing this is through the Pod model. The new Pod model is based on our ways of Respect (for your story), Connection (with you and your family) and Kinship (Ways of working together).

Within the Goodna Clinic, we will start off with (3) Pods which are made up of a GP, a nurse, a health and wellbeing worker (HWW), an administration officer and a social health worker – all of whom are there to provide wrap-around services which are responsive to the health and wellbeing needs of you and your family. Pods will walk alongside you and your family - meaning easier access to the right care and less wait times at the clinic. Our Pod names are Frangipani, Lily and Wattle.

This new way of care is centred around strong, healthy relationships between you and staff through trust and cultural safety.

Meet our Pod teams!

our locations

Goodna Yarns

Check out our Goodna Clinic Yarn it Up page to share your views and guide the Goodna Clinic in being accountable to You and Your Mob!

On our Yarn it Up page you can tell us what is important to you, let us know what you think of the services you access and ultimately your voice will guide us in our decision making and advocating for change.