The Moreton Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service (Moreton ATSICHS) is committed to providing holistic health care to improve the health and well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Moreton Bay area. Moreton ATSICHS is a member of the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH). IUIH leads the planning, development and delivery of comprehensive primary health care services to the Indigenous population of South East Queensland (SEQ).

Moreton ATSICHS Services

Our Locations


Check out our Moreton ATSICHS Yarn it Up page to share your views and guide the Moreton ATSICHS in being accountable to You and Your Mob!

On our Yarn it Up page you can tell us what is important to you, let us know what you think of the services you access and ultimately your voice will guide us in our decision making and advocating for change.