The Yulu-Burri-Ba (YBB) health service began operations in 1984, with a doctor and a nurse making weekly visits to Dunwich on North Stradbroke Island. Since that time, the health services provided have rapidly expanded, with YBB now delivering a comprehensive coordinated community health service on the island and in Brisbane’s bayside suburbs.

With the realisation of the need for expansion to the mainland, YBB opened a second clinic at Capalaba on the 28th of November, 2011. To achieve its goal to continue to improve access to comprehensive primary health care services in our region, in January 2016, YBB opened a further clinic in Wynnum.

YBB now has an island base and two mainland access points to deliver a full range of medical and allied health services, including dental services from our Dunwich and Capalaba clinics.

Yulu-Burri-Ba Services

Our Services

Yulu-Burri-Ba is exceptionally proud of the service and support provided to its clients, now totalling over 5000. Yulu-Burri-Ba’s aim is to provide a safe, friendly, confidential and culturally appropriate Aboriginal primary health care services, in line with community needs. Below are links to our website for you to find out more.

Our Locations

Yulu-Burri-Ba Yarns

Check out our Yulu-Burri-Ba Yarn it Up page to share your views and guide the Yulu-Burri-Ba in being accountable to You and Your Mob!

On our Yarn it Up page you can tell us what is important to you, let us know what you think of the services you access and ultimately your voice will guide us in our decision making and advocating for change.