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About the Deadly Fit Mums Project (DFM)

Deadly Fit Mums has been operating since August 2021. Since September 2023 DFM has now been rolled out across all four BiOC hubs. This research project will assess the impact of the DFM program together with innovative qualitative studies based on participatory action research approaches (this approach places power within the research process with those who are most affected) to monitor, assess, and enhance the program.

Research Methods

To evaluate the clinical and behavioural indicators of the participants – physical exercise, optimal nutrition, healthy weight, smoking cessation, psychosocial wellbeing.

Compare two groups:

Group 1- participating in both BiOC and DFM

Group 2- participating in BiOC only

Interviews with participants and program staff to explore acceptability and feasibility of the program

BiOC Deadly Fit Mums poster