
Your Voice: Community Engagement Report from the Deadly Choices Seniors Games - 13th June 2024

13 June 2024


On June 13th, 2024, our community came together for the Deadly Choices Seniors Games - a deadly event to engage our older community members and promote the collectivity of our community. Through this activity, the CIIF Community Engagement Team connected with community members to gain an understanding of current access to health services, client satisfaction, community priorities and perception around services specifically for senior community members.

Senior Community Member bowling

Who did we yarn with?

Opportunities for improvement

Opportunities for improvement

  1. Healthcare Services:
    • Increase workforce, particularly more doctors and staff.
    • Quicker appointment scheduling.
    • Address difficulty in getting follow-up appointments, especially for those who have had surgery.
    • More clinics and specialist appointments through ATSICHS (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service).
  2. Community Engagement and Activities:
    • More men’s groups and activities.
    • Sports days and participation in school activities.
    • More involvement and engagement from the community and elders.
    • Unity group activities to foster a sense of community.
  3. Communication and Education:
    • Better communication and more educational programs.
    • More consultation with elders to ensure their voices are heard.
    • Continuous education and awareness programs for the community.
  4. Access and Transportation:
    • More transport options for appointments.
    • Increase access to services, especially on islands and in remote locations.
  5. Youth and Elder Services:
    • Programs specifically for youth.
    • More services and care for elders.
    • Involvement of Indigenous people in senior roles within the community.
  6. General Service Improvement:
    • More community involvement and engagement.
    • Better overall care and services.
    • Simple, effective services that meet the community's needs.
    • Consistent feedback and improvements based on community input.

Overall, the feedback emphasises the need for improved healthcare access, better communication and education, increased community engagement, and tailored services for both youth and elders.

Population specific questionnaire

To gather insights from a more senior population group, questions were crafted around supporting aging in the community. Community Engagement staff sought to gain an understanding of current home and aged care support services and access.

Community members participating gave an average rating of 3.7 out of 5 as to how satisfied they are with the aged care services they receive.

Community members participating gave an average rating of 3.7 out of 5 as to how satisfied they are with the aged care services they receive.

When community members where asked about the potential for another Aboriginal Community Controlled residential facility to be built in SEQ, they provided the following feedback on what they would to see offered through the service:

  1. Accommodation Preferences:
    • Hostel-style living with individual units to maintain independence.
    • Preference for places where family can visit.
  2. Social and Cultural Activities:
    • Social activities such as painting and weaving.
    • More social gatherings and access to social activities.
  3. Priority and Costs:
    • Priority for Aboriginal community members.
    • Affordable rent.
  4. Facility Locations:
    • Suggestions for facilities on the Northside.
    • Specific mentions of potential locations also include Inala and Cleveland.
  5. Support and Services:
    • More mental health services and support.
    • Increased involvement from higher authorities and services.
    • Continued engagement with the community through social activities.
    • General support for seniors and their families, including residential care.
  6. General Feedback:
    • Some members expressed satisfaction with current services.
    • Others were unaware of the progress or had no specific thoughts on the matter.

This feedback highlights the desire for culturally appropriate, independent living arrangements with robust social and support services, particularly on the Northside.

Senior community members expressed a strong desire for culturally appropriate, independent living arrangements in SEQ. They emphasised the importance of maintaining their independence through hostel- style living with individual units and ensuring that family visits are welcomed. There is a clear preference for more social and cultural activities, such as painting, weaving, and regular social gatherings, which are essential for community engagement and cultural continuity. Additionally, affordable rent and priority access for Aboriginal community members are crucial considerations.

There is a significant need for enhanced support services, including mental health support, and outings. Community members also highlighted the importance of having such facilities on the Northside. Overall, the feedback underscores the importance of creating facilities that not only cater to the physical needs of the senior community members but also foster a sense of community, cultural connection, and emotional well- being.

Gratitude Statement

We are thankful to the Senior Community Members who shared their yarns with us, whilst fiercely competing at the Deadly Choices Seniors Games. We are humbly grateful to have shared the day with those who participated.