About the youth engagement project

Adolescence is an important time for our younger generation. We know that our youth use healthcare services and programs much less than the rest of our mob. The project is one way we are looking into why youth aren't engaging with health services. As part of the project, we yarned with our youth to understand what opportunities they want for engagement, and how we can expand our current engagement activities and support services. We also yarned with them about their community, culture, identity, and connection. Self-determination and future goals are an important part of adolescence, and we want to help our young people voice their needs and wants regarding our healthcare services. We want to know how we can help our young people become strong and deadly blackfullas.

This youth engagement project is funded by the Lowitja Institute.

What's next?

Now that our yarns are completed, our research team will spend the next few weeks working with our youth committee to go through the data. Hit the follow button at the top of the page to stay up to date with the project!

Our Team

Meet our mob that yarned with our young people!

Kristie Harris

Digital Experience Officer / Community Researcher

I'm a Wiradjuri woman. I'm an author, an avid gamer & a mum. I play volleyball and enjoy connecting with community & culture through my art & writing.

Lachlan Walker

Community Researcher

I'm a Bundjalung, Butchulla & Garawa man, passionate about advocating for Indigenous people. I enjoy connecting with culture through song & dance.

Boe Spearim

Community Engagement Officer

I'm from Gamilaraay, Kooma, and Murriwari nations. I host a podcast called Frontier War Stories and I'm passionate about working with community.