
The Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) established the Yarn it Up platform to engage with Our People - the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community living within South East Queensland.

For IUIH and Our Founding Members, to be Community Control means to hear the voice of our people and ensure the voice of our people guides us in our vision and mission.

The Yarn it Up platform uses a logo which symbolically represents the Bunya Nut and is made up of 5 distinct segments, representing the connectedness of the IUIH Network.

The Bunya Tree; a culturally significant symbol for Mob in SEQ, and the place of the Bunya; the Bunya Mountains, also represent a culturally significant place among the many Goori Nations who lived on the Central East Coast of this Country. The harvest of the Bunya's was a ceremonial act that every Nation attended, a collective obligation to tend to the Governance of our Nations, engage in ceremony, grow up our young ones and work together.

The Yarn it Up, also represents a place for us to collectively work on the Governance of our communities, focus on growing up our jarjums and look towards the future of strong and deadly children, families and communities.

Throughout this platform you will find information on various initiatives, pathways and programs - all of which we want to engage our people in the yarn of how we govern together.

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Services and Programs

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